Gabeba Baderoon

Professional Bio
I’m an Assistant Professor of Women's Studies and African Studies, and have a courtesy appointment in Comparative Literature. I received a PhD in English from the University of Cape Town, and write on representations of religion, slavery, race and sexuality. My work has appeared in Feminist Studies, Social Dynamics, the Journal for Islamic Studies and other journals, and my books include Regarding Muslims: from Slavery to Post-apartheid (Wits UP, 2014) and the poetry collections The Dream in the Next Body and A hundred silences. I'm a member of the Steering Committee of the Global Approaches to Intersectionality project, as well as the Advisory Committee of the Weiss Chair of the Humanities at Penn State. In addition, with Sa’diyya Shaikh and Nina Hoel, I co-organize a transnational project on Theorizing Gender and Islam. My research has been recognized with fellowships from the “Islam, African Publics and Religious Values” Project at the University of Cape Town, the Future of Minority Studies/Mellon Summer Institute on “Queer Studies in Transnational Contexts” at Cornell University, the Nordic Africa Institute, the African Gender Institute, the Sainsbury/Linbury Trust, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. My current project, titled “Public Privacies,” is on autobiography, religion, sexuality and the nation.
- African Literature
- African feminist and queer theory
- South African studies