

We support our colleagues in the Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures in condemning Russia’s war against Ukraine. Their statement (, reads: “The Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures at the Pennsylvania State University condemns Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine. We, Penn State students and faculty, insist on the preservation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and the safety of its inhabitants. We resoundingly reject the false accusations and historical distortions that the Russian government and its media have used to justify the war against Ukraine. Russia’s flagrant violations of international law and human rights must be rebuked. We are profoundly troubled that by invading Ukraine Russia has placed the world in a precarious condition that threatens to escalate globally so that the stability and security of all nations is now under threat. We urge all concerned citizens of the world to petition their government representatives to rebuke Russia’s assault on a sovereign democracy and to aid the Ukrainian people in their hour of need. We are committed to educating future generations about Ukrainian and Russian languages, literatures, and cultures, so that they may understand the vital role that the national cultures of Eastern Europe play in the modern world. Please join the department in speaking out publicly.”

whose article “Euphrase Kezilahabi's Kaptula la Marx as a Site of Cold War Contestation and Communitas Making” has been published online by JALA: Journal of the African Literature Association. The article is available here.

for successfully defending the dissertation “The Phenomenology of Migration: Humanizing Makwerekwere in South African Migration Literature and Visual Art" on June 10, 2024.

who successfully defended the dissertation "Reading Literatism and (Il)Literacies across the Sudanese and Lebanese Civil Conflicts" on June 5, 2024.

whose interview with the South African writer Masande Ntshanga for the podcast Novel Dialogue was posted on June 6. The interview is available on Apple Podcasts, and further information on the episode can be found here.

whose article “Euphrase Kezilahabi's Kaptula la Marx as a Site of Cold War Contestation and Communitas Making” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of African Literature Association.

who accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Africana Studies at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

who successfully defended the dissertation “Embodied Knowledges: Visceral and Parietal Poetics in Contemporary Arabic & Persian Literature of the Gulf" on 5/20/24.

whose project “Developing Research and Teaching Environments in Korean Studies” was selected by the Academy of Korean Studies in its Seed Program for Korean Studies category. Jooyeon’s project will receive approximately $500,000 over the next five years to further develop Korean Studies at Penn State. Further information is available here (in Korean and English).

who was awarded a Harvard Radcliffe Institute Fellowship for 2024-2025.

who passed the Comprehensive Exam on May 3, 2024.

who has been promoted to the rank of Professor, effective July 1, 2024.

who passed the Qualifying Exam on April 29, 2024.

Shannon Fine (M.A. in Comparative Literature), Vasilije Ivanovic (Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and Asian Studies), and Damla Undar (M.A. in Comparative Literature).

on the publication of the essay "Critical Pedagogy" on Global South Studies. The essay is available here.

for the publication of the book Writing in Red: Literature and Revolution Across Turkey and the Soviet Union (Columbia University Press, 2024). The book is available for purchase here (use the promo code CUP20 for a 20% discount).