We support our colleagues in the Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures in condemning Russia’s war against Ukraine. Their statement (https://german.la.psu.edu/news/), reads: “The Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures at the Pennsylvania State University condemns Russia’s unprovoked war against Ukraine. We, Penn State students and faculty, insist on the preservation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and the safety of its inhabitants. We resoundingly reject the false accusations and historical distortions that the Russian government and its media have used to justify the war against Ukraine. Russia’s flagrant violations of international law and human rights must be rebuked. We are profoundly troubled that by invading Ukraine Russia has placed the world in a precarious condition that threatens to escalate globally so that the stability and security of all nations is now under threat. We urge all concerned citizens of the world to petition their government representatives to rebuke Russia’s assault on a sovereign democracy and to aid the Ukrainian people in their hour of need. We are committed to educating future generations about Ukrainian and Russian languages, literatures, and cultures, so that they may understand the vital role that the national cultures of Eastern Europe play in the modern world. Please join the department in speaking out publicly.”
on the publication of the chapter “Los festivales son las verdaderas novelas: Pola Oloixarac’s Mona and the Latin American Writer on the World Literary Circuit” in the edited volume El agotamiento del mundo en las literaturas y culturas de América Latina (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020). The chapter is available for open access download here.
who successfully passed the Comprehensive Exam.
on the publication of the article “Distant Lands and Climes: Latin American Criticism, World Literature, and Other Axes for Comparison” in FORMA: A Journal of Latin American Criticism & Theory. The article will appear in the special issue "Latin American Criticism & Theory at the First Quarter of the Twenty-First Century" (4.1; 2025) and is part of FORMA's inaugural "Debates" series. Both are available here.
who has won a Luce/ACLS Travel Grant in China Studies to conduct dissertation research in Taiwan.
who was interviewed by Iva Glisic (Australian National University) on the New Books Network podcast. Nergis discussed her book Writing in Red: Literature and Revolution across Turkey and the Soviet Union (Columbia UP, 2024). The podcast interview is available here. The book and eBook can be purchased here and on other online book merchants
on the publication of the prose piece “Adjacency, Or, Words for Pain” in New England Review, vol. 45, no. 4, 2024. The piece is available here.
who was featured in a December 16 Penn State News article entitled “Liberal Arts student gains global experiences through internships.” The publication is available here.
who received an honorable mention for the Modern Language Association’s (MLA) 55th annual James Russell Lowel Prize for the book My Dark Room: Spaces of the Inner Self in 18th-Century England (University of Chicago Press, 2023). Read more here. The book is available for purchase here and on other online book merchants.
Jonathan Eburne (2025-26), Shuang Sheng (2025-26), Anna Ziajka Stanton (2025-26), and Nergis Ertürk (Spring 2026).
Qiyu will graduate with a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature and African Studies.
who was awarded the Modern Language Association (MLA)’s “Scaglione Prize for Middle Eastern Studies" for her book The Worlding of Arabic Literature: Language, Affect, and the Ethics of Translatability (Fordham University Press, 2023). The book is available for purchase here and on other online book merchants.
for passing the Qualifying Exam.
on the publication of the book chapter “Poetry and National History” in The Oxford History of Poetry in English, Vol. 2: Medieval Poetry 1100-1400 (Oxford University Press, 2023), pp. 167-186. Further information (including purchasing options) is available here.
on the publication of an interview with Shiraz Durani (Library-Science Professional) which appears in the book Guerrilla Incursions into the Capitalist Mindset: Essays with Focus on Kenya 1979-2023 (Vita Books, 2023), pp. 359-66. The interview is accessible here.
on the publication of the book chapter “Mayotte, ‘que s’est-il passé depuis?’ Colonialité, cartographie mutilée ou désastre en partage” in Convergences océanes. Ces océans qui nous habitent (Presses Universitaires indiaocéaniques, 2024), pp. 139-160. Further information (including purchasing options) are available here.