Elizabeth (Liz) Schoppelrei

Elizabeth (Liz) Schoppelrei

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow of Comparative Literature
252 Burrowes Building


PhD, Pennsylvania State University, 2023
MA, Pennsylvania State University, 2018
BA, Wright State University, 2016

Professional Bio

Liz Schoppelrei is a Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in Comparative Literature and German. In August 2023, they received their dual-title PhD in Comparative Literature and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies with a graduate minor in German. In their dissertation, they examine textual representations of trans/queer identities and communities and how taxonomies of gender and sexuality undergird speculative community formation. Their research interests include: trans/queer community formation, trans/queer periodicals of Weimar-era Germany, speculative and science fiction, comics, queer ecologies, and Black feminist thought.

Their article “‘Full Body Intersection’: Fat Positive Activism, Poetry Slam, and Rachel Wiley” appeared in Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society in 2018. During the 2019-2020 academic year, they were a Fulbright Graduate Fellow at the Universität Potsdam, completing research on their project: "Contested Communities: Lesbian and Transvestite Poetry in Die Freundin (1924-1933).” Their second article “The Queer Intimacies of Roses in Louise Aston’s ‘Wilde Rosen’ (1846) and ‘Die wilde Rose’ (1850)” was published in QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking in 2020. They have forthcoming chapters in Queer Kinship and Comparative Literature: New Perspectives and Doing Queer History: Written Media Landscapes in the German-Speaking World.

Classes Taught:

  • CMLIT 406: Women in World Literature, "Germanophone Voices"
  • CMLIT 191: Video Game Cultures
  • CMLIT 153/005: Literature and Film of the Americas
  • CMLIT 122: Global Science Fictions, "Gender and the Future"
  • CMLIT 101: Race, Gender, and Identity in World Literature
  • CMLIT 10: Introduction to World Literature
  • WMNST 106: Representing Women and Gender in Art, Literature, and Popular Culture
  • WMNST 105: Living in a Diverse World
  • GER 302: Intermediate Writing and Grammar
  • GER 3: Intermediate German
  • GER 2: Elementary German 2
  • GER 1: Elementary German 1


Areas of Specialization:

  • Trans Studies
  • Weimar Trans/Queer Culture
  • Speculative and Science Fiction
  • Comics Studies
  • Poetry